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GNU dllwrap 0.2.4

Usage dllwrap <options> <object-files> Generic options: --quiet, -q Work quietly --verbose, -v Verbose --version Print dllwrap version --implib <outname> Synonym for --output-lib Options for dllwrap: --driver-name <driver> Defaults to "gcc" --driver-flags <flags> Override default ld flags --dlltool-name <dlltool> Defaults to "dlltool" --entry <entry> Specify alternate DLL entry point --image-base <base> Specify image base address --target <machine> i386-cygwin32 or i386-mingw32 --dry-run Show what needs to be run --mno-cygwin Create Mingw DLL Options passed to DLLTOOL: --machine <machine> --output-exp <outname> Generate export file. --output-lib <outname> Generate input library. --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. --dllname <name> Name of input dll to put into output lib. --def <deffile> Name input .def file --output-def <deffile> Name output .def file --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --no-export-all-symbols Only export .drectve symbols --exclude-symbols <list> Exclude <list> from .def --no-default-excludes Zap default exclude symbols --base-file <basefile> Read linker generated base file --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section -U Add underscores to .lib -k Kill @<n> from exported names --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @<n> --as <name> Use <name> for assembler --nodelete Keep temp files. Rest are passed unmodified to the language driver </body></html>